Scroll down for talk and tunes lists.
'We freely speak, so you can think.'


Nobody gives us permission to think, what mouth noises (speech) we're allowed or how we wave our hands. \o

Balogh on Esther 0112 Video
NNR on Esther 0114 Video
Heritage Foundation Threats

Kosher racketeering plans to harass and silence peace activists and American citizens critical of gods chosen abuse of excessive power.

JD Vance is an Anti-Fölk
Piece of Garbage

Warren Balogh unlike Vance is still and will always be one of us. As you'll hear from the above 2022 broadcast his observations are remarkably astute, remarkably prescient. You'll find his current project WarStrike in conjunction with Erich Striker below in our talk section.

Europa the Last Battle is a comprehensive 10-part documentary essential history for the formation of valid opinions and beliefs. Here we don't let ourselves to be lied to about ourselves by enemies, the famous victors who write the history books. Who get to put forth whatever nonsense version of events they please with the intent of making us see them as the good guys, feel sorry for fictitious victims, see ourselves as inherently evil and turn us into fools. Malicious wartime propaganda perpetuated ad-infinitum. Chapter One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Extra
Europa Videos on BitChute
Bonus vids: Greatest Story, Hellstorm

Replacement is genocide. Import the 3rd world become the 3rd world. The graphic shows England but know well this is happening to every White country and only White countries.

"By design not accident..." Analysis 1206 V
Kiers Starmer, PM of England, admits in a formal address November 2024 that replacement genocide is not a "conspiracy theory." Concerned White indigenous citizens have rotted in prison for the "hate crime" of having said the same thing. What he neglects is that it's not just England rather every White homeland, who has the power to overule the will of the Fölk, why would they do this to us, and how to remedy the situation. Getting too close to the actual culprit and their crimes can still get a commoner arrested in occupied England. One has to be careful what one says.

"They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role."
Barbara Lerner-Spectre, Founding Director Paideia Stockholm, gloats about harming us 2010. Believe them when they tell you what they're up to. WW2 was not merely a war on Germany for the crime of taking its own side and removing itself from Banker-Commie domination, but a war that continues to this day with the goal of reducing Europeans everywhere to a hated minority and extinction in the homelands we've built.

This Week's Podcast Audio. Various styles ranging academic/research/analysis to variety/humor/music so try a few. Always irreverent of those demand we follow their rules as they harm us. The V links in addition to video replays of the original streams contain title, description and public comments. The numbers represent the date in MMDD current year format. Click to play in browser or right click to download mp3.

Featuring: Dave Gahary, Davis Lurmann, Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson (MRJ), Warren Balogh and Erich Striker (Balogh), Devon Stack (Insomnia), Henrik and Lana Palmgren (RedIce), Mark Collett (PWR), Night Nation Review (NNR), Ben Tanklin, Jeremy McKenzie (RageCast), Psychodrilla, Tim Murdock, Flood, Joel Davis, Zack Kidd (Logos).
Archive of older rips.

*New Today and Yesterday LFGcrew.ORG*

Gahary 0121 V, 0119 V, 0116 V, 0114 V
Davis 0121 V, 0120 V, 0118 V, 0117 V
MRJ 0116 inf, 0115 inf, 0109 inf, 0108 inf
Balogh 0117 V, 0112 V, 0107 V, 0102 V
Insomnia 0118 V, 0115 V, 0111 V, 0108 V
PatCon One V, Two V, Three V, Four V
RedIce 0120 V, 0117 V, 0110 V, 0108 V
PWR 0117 V, 0115 V, 0108 V, 0105 V
NNR 0120 V, 0119 V, 0116 V, 0114 V
Tanklin 0119 V, 0117 V, 0110 V, 0106 V
+NNR 0101 V
RageCast 0121 V, 0108 V, 0107 V, 0103 V
Drilla 0121 V, 0117 V, 0116 V, 0115 V
Tim 0119 V, 0117 V, 0115 V, 0113 V
Flood 0120 V, 0118 V, 0117 V, 0116 V
Joel 0121 V, 0117 V, 0109 V, 0103 V
Logos 0117 V, 0115 V, 0113 V, 0111 V

Visit the channels live when you can using a V link and say Hails. Keep great EuroFölk content broadcasting with your support.

Vertigo Politix

Free Mr. Bond! Ten years in prison for making music our soon to be former overlords don't like. Vice article on Bond and the travesty of injustice.

Rap Albums
Mystic Music (2024)
Mr. Bond - Screw Your Optics (2019)
Mr. Bond - A Nazi Goes To Afrika (2018)
Mr. Bond - Woke Alone (2017)
Mr. Bond - MK Mixtape 1488.2 (2017)
Mr. Bond - MK Mixtape 1488 (2016)
No Face Nate - For the Million (2022)
No Face Nate - NATEIZM (2024)
Zyklon Don - Gaseous Singles (2019)
W2R Allstars - Bronze Age Savage (2020)
ZKyle (2024)

Rock Albums
RWDS Entertainment - Volume 1 (2017)
RWDS Entertainment - Volume 2 (2018)
Skrewdriver - All Skrewed Up (1977)
Skrewdriver - Boots and Braces (1984)
Skrewdriver - Hail The New Dawn (1984)
Skrewdriver - White Rider Session (1987)
White Boy Summer '24: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5

"Escape the digital ghetto."
Operation ChalkWaffen is a peaceful nonviolent activism participation campaign anyone can easily and legally do to share LFGcrew.ORG and the creators it links with others. Not littering not vandalism. Using sidewalk chalk write "LFGcrew.ORG" curbside in a high foot traffic place. If you'd like a picture of your handiwork displayed at the bottom of this page submit it here: @Smalls.

Audiobooks Flood MediaFire
Entropy Contribute

Never Give Up

88 Precepts - David Eden Lane PDF

"We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for White children." - David Lane

"That doesn't mean we want to persecute anybody, but we have to keep our own countries White." - George Lincoln Rockwell